Wednesday, September 15, 2010

(kind of) math game from math website

linked from the blog showed in class

if you're in need of some time to kill, this simple game can be surprisingly addictive

if you don't see the immediate connection to math, try to ask yourself why a certain move is better or worse than another (hint: 6 sides to a hexagon, so out of the 5 sides you can move along to, are any more or less likely to get you stuck)


  1. As someone who is a very hands-on learner when it comes to math, I think that games are so important. They can really help you understand abstract concepts and bring a little bit of enjoyment to the classroom!

  2. The link you posted is an engaging interactive site that will interest those who have an affinity for Math and those who don't.

  3. I agree with Melissa, she is right making math fun is a great way to have students learn. Some students feel intimidated by math and just need to know they can succeed. Hands on learning and games will help them succeed.

  4. this activity was cool- and addicting. thanks for eating up a few hours of my homework time...and i suck at math...
    dont feel that way anymore!
